3 Reasons Why You Don’t Need to Fear the Metaverse & How it Will Make Life Better

2 min readSep 6, 2022


Is it really something to be scared of?

The METAVERSE ya’ll.

I’ve heard countless opinions around this buzzword. Mostly negative ones.

That it’s some evil plan to disconnect humans from nature, that people will spend all their time virtually, that it will be the end of human connections.


Here’s the thing.

We already live in some sense in the “metaverse” since we spend so much of our time online.
Also, no one really knows what it will look like, all we do know is that many big companies are striving towards developing this concept.

For now, it looks like it’s going in the direction of AI as well as enhanced virtual worlds, which will be somehow integrated with the platforms we already use.

I think as with anything, and as we already know from our experience with social media, it will have both positive and negative effects.

Personally, I find it is exciting because:
1. New, unforeseen work opportunities will be created.
2. More REMOTE work opportunities, meaning that more people can live closer to nature in amazing places and have the luxury of time to build/participate in communities around them, outside of big cities (if they want to).
3. Our online experiences will be even better.

Which brings us to the discussion of coliving & coworking spaces for remote workers, and the insane innovation that is happening there. But that’s for another post. ;-)

What are your thoughts on the metaverse and what do you think it will look like?



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